Garden Animals are available in custom colors, stains, detailed paint & metallic finishes for an additional cost. 

Some items are featured in color, however,  prices shown are for items in gray natural concrete. 

1821 E Tidwell Ln, Houston, TX. 77093, USA

Garden Animals 

Copyright © Americas Garden Art. All rights reserved.

Concrete Statuary and Garden Accessories

Americas Garden Art

Phone: 713-227-0267  /​   832-863-2491   

​​​​Concrete Statuary and Garden Accessories in Houston, TX

America's Garden Art

We have even more animals such as Seal Statues, Gorilla Statues, Tigers and Lion Statues, Monkey Statues, etc. Here you see a variety of our garden farm animals (See concrete roosters - Garden Birds), crocodiles and Elephants. If you do not see what you are looking for, contact us, we have many more and are constantly adding to our inventory.